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Nicolas Winding Refn torna a presentare al Festival di Cannes 2016 una delle sue opere, dopo l’acclamazione di
“Drive” (2011) e i fischi di “Solo Dio perdona” (2013), come sempre
senza paura, come sempre rispettando appieno la propria natura di cineasta di
alto livello.
Jesse (una insostituibile Elle Fanning), sedicenne orfana dalla bellezza semplice e pura, si
trasferisce a Los Angeles per realizzare il sogno di diventare una modella;
sogno che si realizza quasi subito, grazie alla luce virginale che la
caratterizza naturalmente. Il mondo in cui entra Jesse però, è un labirinto dai
meccanismi pericolosi, a lei sconosciuti; un percorso disseminato da personaggi
inquietanti, da personalità che sgomentano per la loro perversione, per il
desiderio di immortalità e di apparenza mono codice.
regista danese si confronta a pieno con la femminilità e il concetto di bellezza,
riuscendo a coglierne l’impatto sociale come, oserei dire, mai nessuno prima.
Accusato di misoginia, egli è invece portatore di un messaggio che ogni giorno
ogni donna è costretta a rivivere sulla propria pelle, complice o meno:
nell’era moderna, in cui con ogni tipo di artificio plastico o informatico è
possibile modificare la propria immagine secondo quanto dettato da una
sessualità sempre meno naturale e istintiva, la bellezza viene identificata con
la staticità, la perfezione, la mancanza di dettagli unici, in una parola, con
la Morte.
siamo più attratti da difetti che rendono ogni persona diversa, siamo attratti
da uno “stampo” che porta la donna a essere sempre meno femmina, meno madre,
meno pura. Ma anche in un contesto del genere, la bellezza virginale di Jesse,
regala mistero e speranza; doni che non si possono ottenere mediante artifici e
quindi vanno semplicemente eliminati.
al messaggio morale espresso con scene di una durezza impressionante (la
pellicola è vietata ai minori di 14 anni), il film è visivamente unico; da
tempo non si ammirava un’opera dall’estetica così elevata, elegante, come sempre
cullata dalla colonna sonora di Cliff
Martinez vincitrice a Cannes e sorretta da un entourage e da un “direttore
d’orchestra” che confezionano un prodotto che va aldilà di qualsivoglia genere
(horror, b-movie, thriller, teen drama). Una nota di pregio a tutto il cast, in
particolare, oltre alla perfetta Elle Fanning, all’insuperabile Jena Malone (che interpreta Ruby)
e alle capaci Abbey Lee (Sarah) e Bella Heathcote (Gigi),
un Keanu Reeves che dona al suo
personaggio Hank un’interpretazione
da terrore puro, in una scena cieca ma sonoramente agghiacciante.
padre di famiglia, marito e amante del Cinema, ancora una volta cattura la
nostra sensibilità e le nostre paure, lasciando alla coscienza la capacità di
deciderete di guardare “The Neon Demon”,
vi avverto: “Ad ogni azione, corrisponde una reazione pari e contraria”.
4 stelle ½
Dear readers,
Nicolas Winding Refn is back at the 2016 Cannes Festival with one of his
artworks, after being appreciated for "Drive” (2011) and criticized for “Only God Forgives” (2013); fearless as always, respecting his high
level movie maker nature as always.
Jesse (a unique Elle Fanning), a pure, beautiful sixteen year old orphan, has moved to LA to become a model; she immediately finds a job, thanks to her ethereal and natural light. But the world Jesse is starting to live in is a dangerous, unknown maze. It will be full of scary characters, with perverse personalities and immortality aims.
The Danish director is directly facing femininity and the idea of beauty, being able to understand its social impact like no one before. Despite being accused of misogyny, he's able to convey a message that women live everyday on their own skin: during these modern times - where with every single kind of plastic artifice we are able to modify our looks, according to a way less natural and instinctive sexuality - beauty is being identified with statism, perfection, having no flaws; in one word, with Death.
We don't like those flaws that make every single one of us unique, we like that "mold" that is slowly making every woman less and less sensual, less mother-like, less pure. But even in a similar environment, Jesse's virginal beauty is a symbol of mistery and hope; something that we cannot achieve with artifices, so need to be eliminated.
Besides from this moral message that is expressed through really strong scenes (viewers need to be older than 14), this movie is unique; it's been a while since I've seen something this elegant, well-done, thanks also to Cliff Martinez's soundtrack, winner at the Cannes Festival and helped by an "orchestra" director that's able to create something that cannot be labeled as a particular genre (horror, b-movie, thriller, teen drama). The whole cast was amazing, especially the perfect Elle Fanning, but also Jena Malone (who plays Ruby) and the great Abbey Lee (Sarah) and Bella Heathcote (Gigi); moreover, Keanu Reeves who gives his character Hank a really terrifying aura, in a mute but really scary scene.
Once again Refn, father, husband and Cinema lover, is able to capture our sensitivity and our fears, leaving to our conscience the power to judge.
If you decide to watch “The Neon Demon”, beware: “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction".
4 stars ½
Source: Wikipedia
Jesse (a unique Elle Fanning), a pure, beautiful sixteen year old orphan, has moved to LA to become a model; she immediately finds a job, thanks to her ethereal and natural light. But the world Jesse is starting to live in is a dangerous, unknown maze. It will be full of scary characters, with perverse personalities and immortality aims.
The Danish director is directly facing femininity and the idea of beauty, being able to understand its social impact like no one before. Despite being accused of misogyny, he's able to convey a message that women live everyday on their own skin: during these modern times - where with every single kind of plastic artifice we are able to modify our looks, according to a way less natural and instinctive sexuality - beauty is being identified with statism, perfection, having no flaws; in one word, with Death.
We don't like those flaws that make every single one of us unique, we like that "mold" that is slowly making every woman less and less sensual, less mother-like, less pure. But even in a similar environment, Jesse's virginal beauty is a symbol of mistery and hope; something that we cannot achieve with artifices, so need to be eliminated.
Besides from this moral message that is expressed through really strong scenes (viewers need to be older than 14), this movie is unique; it's been a while since I've seen something this elegant, well-done, thanks also to Cliff Martinez's soundtrack, winner at the Cannes Festival and helped by an "orchestra" director that's able to create something that cannot be labeled as a particular genre (horror, b-movie, thriller, teen drama). The whole cast was amazing, especially the perfect Elle Fanning, but also Jena Malone (who plays Ruby) and the great Abbey Lee (Sarah) and Bella Heathcote (Gigi); moreover, Keanu Reeves who gives his character Hank a really terrifying aura, in a mute but really scary scene.
Once again Refn, father, husband and Cinema lover, is able to capture our sensitivity and our fears, leaving to our conscience the power to judge.
If you decide to watch “The Neon Demon”, beware: “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction".
4 stars ½
Source: Wikipedia
Traduzione a cura di: Giulia
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